I promised Cory all my posts wouldn’t be quite as emotional as the first one. But for those of you that know me, you know I’m super emotional about my sweet family no matter what. So, here goes my first attempt at keeping it a little lighter.
I’m not sure how it happens but as soon as you become a parent you instantly want to protect them and when something bad happens you want to take that pain away. When I can’t take the pain away a little piece of my heart breaks.
Although I can’t take diabetes away, Cory and I can do everything in our power to make it more manageable for him and a little less scary for all of us.
One of the things we have been thinking about for quite some time now is a Continuous Glucose Monitor. This little device, and I do mean little, will allow us to monitor Monkey’s blood sugar readings more often, without constant finger pokes. Not only does it check his blood sugar levels every 5 minutes but the technology also has the ability to tell you if blood sugar is currently going up or coming down and at an approximate rate that it is going up or coming down. As a parent this technology is amazing and you want to do it immediately. However, the 5 year old has different ideas. To him it’s another needle that looks gigantic compared to his insulin needles.
This is when ‘logic’ doesn’t always work and control has to belong to the 5 year old and not the parent. I can tell him that once we are comfortable with the Continuous Glucose Monitor, or as his dad brilliantly called it ‘his bionics’ (a shout out to ‘Lab Rats’, one of his favorite shows, for helping us here), we will have to poke his fingers less often. That’s all fine and good until his 5 year old brain sees it as different and scary.
So, when he came to us this week and told us he thought he was ready for his bionics we were thrilled. MAJOR WIN.
I couldn’t be prouder of what a big boy decision he’s making. I’ll be honest, there are times when I really want to say ‘you are doing this because I’m the parent and I know what’s best for you.’ But do I really? In this instance we had to wait for him to be ready so it can hopefully be a success.
This Friday night or Saturday morning we plan to put the ‘bionics’ on and see if it helps us in the journey we now call ‘our new normal’.
It’s all under control, just not by me. This time Monkey’s in control.