It’s All Under Control
Content By Me!
Song Series (Part 3)
My sweet Peanut. Two and a half years ago this little spit-fire came in to the world 3 weeks early. I was terrified as we drove to the hospital at 3:00am. I had gone in to labor and had no idea what was going to happen. He was in control from the beginning and doesn’t seem to be letting go of that control anytime soon.
Song Series (Part 2)
Part 2 of my Song Series is the song ‘You’re Gonna Be’ by Reba. It was a a song I sang to Monkey as a baby. He’s such a sweet little boy and I hope all of his dreams come true.
Song Series (Part 1)
I’m trying my hand at a 6 part blog series. Music is so important to me and the words of a song trigger amazing emotions for me. I am going to pick a song or 2 for the most important people in my life and share with you.
Mommy Guilt
I often wonder if Peanut is getting all he needs from me. So much time is devoted to Monkey and his health needs, the “Mommy Guilt” often sets in when thinking of my sweet baby.
HE DID IT! HE DID IT! HE DID IT! The DEXCOM Continuous Glucose Monitor may be life changing for our family and I couldn’t be happier about it.
Monkey In Control
When it comes to Type 1 Diabetes there are good times and bad times. We have learned that sometimes a very small thing can be a win. This week we had one of those wins with Monkey.
Hello Blogosphere
Two years ago our lives as a family of 4 changed forever with the Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis of our oldest child. Our lives have forever changed but as a family we are closer than ever and still plugging along.