This blog has been ready for over 2 weeks but when everyone but Cory gets the flu and then sinus and ear infections, not much gets done. So, with that I apologize for how late this post really is! This song series was one of the easiest and hardest for me to write. How do I summarize my feelings for someone who has been with me since the day I was born and has been my very best friend my entire life? I had an idea of what song I wanted to use to try explaining this relationship; but once again, as I was googling songs and lyrics I found an even better song. If anything, this process has given me so many more songs that I now love.
My mom has always been the one I go to with the good and bad things that happen. Just like with my dad, there are too many memories to write about all of them so I’m just going to highlight some of the bigger ones.
Growing up – Mom was always helping, either at school or just with my friends. Looking back, I’m not sure how she did it and had a full time job. I pray that I can be half the mom she was for me, for the boys, when it comes time for them to be in activities. She was there for every band concert and every sporting event. When my friends and I wanted to go to a football game, she was driving us. When we needed a chaperone she was there, and it was never a feeling of ‘oh no, mom again.’ It was always a relief and I loved having her there.
Our wedding day – What an amazing day, and unlike so many, I would do it over in a heartbeat. The reason it went as smoothly as it did was because of mom. It was a beautiful day in May and everything went as planned, for the most part. She looked beautiful in the purple dress she had found. One of my favorite memories of that day was seeing her for the first time when we were both dressed.
Monkey’s birth – When Cory and I were expecting Monkey we had already been living in Minnesota a year. When were told that he was breach I was terrified. Sure, I had Cory with me to help me with all of those emotions but it was mom that I called first. There’s something about your ‘Mom’ assuring you that it will be ok that makes you believe it. Since he had to be a scheduled c-section, I asked her to be there. I knew she couldn’t be in the room with us but I ‘needed’ to know that she was in the hospital. In hindsight, probably very selfish of me since all she could do was sit around and wait, but she’s my mom and was there. She stayed for a few days and then came back in a couple weeks and stayed for an entire week.
Peanut’s birth – Oh man, that kiddo doesn’t do anything as planned. He was a planned c-section and again I had asked my mom to be there. Little did I know that he would come 3 weeks earlier than planned. We called mom at 6am and told her we were in the hospital and Peanut was on his way. She was at the hospital by noon! She took care of Monkey so we could focus on Peanut. Again, she stayed with us for about a week after he was born.
Monkey’s hospital visit – As I’ve mentioned, this is one of those days that is burned in to my memories. I remember calling mom from the New Richmond Hospital and telling her we were being transported to Children’s in St. Paul. I’m sure she was terrified, we all were, but she remained calmed on the phone. Even though she had to drive through an awful snow storm, she was there that evening. This time she took Peanut home so we could focus on Monkey. She stayed for a week until we were out of the hospital and home.
A week ago – Holy moly, it’s been a rough week and a half and winter for that matter. Last week Monkey, Peanut and I were all down with the flu and the boys’ turned in to ear infections and mine turned in to a sinus infection. As always, here came mom to the rescue. She came up after work on Wednesday to help with the boys while Cory worked and I tried to stay caught up with work. I have to admit, it was wonderful having my mom here when I was sick, there is nothing like just having your mom in the house when you don’t feel good.
The song I chose to pay tribute to her is called ‘Mom,’ by Garth Brooks. I’m not sure if those of you reading usually listen to the song, although the words are wonderful in this song, I highly recommend listening too.
Little baby told God, hey I’m kind of scared.
Don’t really know if I want to go down there.
From here it looks like a little blue ball.
That’s a great big place and I’m so small.
Why can’t I just, stay here with you?
Did I make you mad, don’t you want me too?
God said oh child, of course I do
But there’s somebody special waiting for you.
So hush now baby, don’t you cry
‘Cause there’s someone down there waiting whose only goal in life
Is making sure you’re always gonna be alright
A loving angel tender, tough and strong
It’s almost time to go and meet your mom.
You’ll never have a better friend
Or a warmer touch to tuck you in
She’ll kiss your bruises, your bumps and scrapes
And anytime you hurt
Her heart’s gonna break.
So hush now baby, don’t you cry
‘Cause there’s someone down there waiting whose only goal in life
Is making sure you’re always gonna be alright
A loving angel tender, tough and strong
It’s almost time to go and meet your mom.
And when she’s talking to you make sure you listen close
‘Cause she’s gonna teach you everything you’ll ever need to know
Like how to mind your manners, to love and laugh and dream
She’ll put you on the path that bring you back to me.
So, hush now little baby, don’t you cry
‘Cause there’s someone down there waiting whose only goal in life
Is making sure you’re always gonna be alright
A loving angel tender, tough and strong
Come on child it’s time, to meet your mom.
As the song says, ‘you’ll never have a better friend.’ At 38, I still talk to her every day at least once and most days twice. Sometimes we talk for an hour and other times it is only a couple minutes but if I don’t check-in something feels off for the day.
I’ve learned so much from her on how to be a parent and a friend to my children. This post is my way of saying Thank You and I Love You.
It’s all under control, just not by me. God was in control again when he gave me my best friend, my mom. I thank him every day.